Privacy Notice

Evenwood & Barony Parish Council Sharon Proud, Clerk Randolph Community Centre, Stones End, Evenwood DL14 9RE Tel: 01388 835588 M. 07840 020288 E: Contact Privacy Notice When you contact us The information you provide...
Visit our Online Gallery

Visit our Online Gallery

We live in a beautiful area of the world and would like to ensure we capture all the prettiest parts of our parish.  If you have any digital original images you would like including in our gallery, please email them to .  The images should be...


Transparency Compliant Website Evenwood & Barony Parish Council are proud of our adherence to the transparency code. We have published all finance and key governance documentation online for several years.  The Government created the code in order to meet its...
Evenwood History

Evenwood History

Medieval Evenwood was first mentioned in 1050ad and as it’s name suggests is old English for “level wood”.  There are signs of habitation from much earlier dating back to the mesolithic period, after the ice age when the people lived by hunting small...