
Please contact the Parish Clerk for enquiries relating to the Copeland Road and Delaware allotment sites. The Jubilee allotment site is run by an allotment association which deals with waiting lists and other related issues. Current rents are set at £20.00 per year and are to be paid the first Saturday in April unless notified otherwise.

All allotment holders were notified on 9th April 2024 that the collection of allotment rents next year (April 2025) will have to be done without recourse to cash payments. Allotment holders will not be expected to attend in person to pay their rent. The Parish Council is encouraging tenants to avoid using cash and to use contactless payment options (Bank Transfer, Standing Order, Faster Payment, BACs). Anyone with a current account at a bank or building society in the UK can give a Standing Order instruction to make an automated payment. Online banking – electronic transfer can be made directly to the Council’s account. If you have any queries about paying your annual allotment rent, please contact the Parish Clerk at email: